Enginecode: ACD 466889
Owner: John Evans
City/Country: Chester  ENGLAND
Year of build: 2003
Registernumber: 243
Entrydate: 08.02.2007


Erstzulassung: 2004

Datum: 08.02.2007 21:53:12

Hello Manfred,

You were correct in saying that it was for the alarm. My car was imported to the UK and was then converted to right hand drive. I also had a folding sunroof fitted and heated front and rear windows and later had the upholstery changed to cream leather. I finally finished with a beige german flat weave carpet as the original wa spoilt when the car was converted for right hand driving!!



Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 7:50 PM

Hello John,

everything perfect now. The new beetle beside the old one, that looks relay great.

But could you tell me, what for a thing is there on the right side of your Ultima above the little turn light ?

Is this the switch for the alarm ? But i thought this is allways on the left side.