Tachoglas :: Megasquirt on 1600i |
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Anmeldungsdatum: 24.10.2010 Beiträge: 2
Verfasst am: 24 Okt 2010 20:17 Titel: 1998 Mexi Beetle Fuel Issues |
Hello Everyone,
I set my language to English, but the board still shows up in another language, so if this has been addressed before I am sorry I cannot read the search results.
I have a 1998 Mexi Bug with only about 8500 miles on it, or 14,500 km. I have been having issues with stalling, acting like it is out of fuel, etc. I cleaned the tank, put on a fuel filter, etc. and it is still doing it. Only now, I can start the car, it idles for about 10 minutes and dies.
It seemed to do this earlier as the car was warmed up and it was very hot here this summer. Now it won't even begin to run right. So I am wondering if the Fuel Pump is bad? Before I owned it, someone put one of the inline fuel pumps on it, so they must have had trouble before.
Any ideas? Thanks guys.
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Anmeldungsdatum: 14.09.2007 Beiträge: 235 Wohnort: Kent / Süd-Ost London - (Kent / South East London)
Verfasst am: 24 Okt 2010 21:34 Titel: |
Hi jpowell,
That sounds like the hall sender has become intermittent, which is exactly the same what my year 2000 1600i Beetle suffered from at approx 170,000 miles. It appears that they break down with age and vibration, where they usually go faulty as the hall sender its self warms up.
You can either replace the hall sender, which will require the distributor shaft to be removed or alternatively you can get a brand new distributor. Both of these are available from the following:-
Manfred on http://www.1600i.de
VW Classic Parts Center http://www.vw-classicparts.de/ (change the language to english)
Antonio Tréjo email: partsvw@hotmail.com
After you have replaced the hall sender or distributor, you will then need to check/set the igntion timing, which will require either a VAG 1551,1552, VAS 5051,5052,5053 or a laptop running the VagCom software (along with an OBD II to 1600i adaptor, where I have three in stock).
Alternatively, if you would like me to have a look at your car, just let me know where you are (and your email address) and I'll see when I can make it. I am also on the VZi forum ( http://www.volkszone.co.uk/VZi) using the same username.
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Anmeldungsdatum: 24.10.2010 Beiträge: 2
Verfasst am: 25 Okt 2010 0:31 Titel: |
Hi Phade,
Thank You for your reply. I will probably just order the new distributor along with cap and rotor if it does not come with it. As well as a set of plug wires. I am in the USA so I am not sure what problems with shipping there might be.
As for the VAG setup, can you tell me what exactly I would need for that? I have been looking to do that for a while, but I am a little confused to all the pieces that I need.
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Anmeldungsdatum: 14.09.2007 Beiträge: 235 Wohnort: Kent / Süd-Ost London - (Kent / South East London)
Verfasst am: 25 Okt 2010 19:47 Titel: |
Hi Jason,
You will need the following bits to do any form of diagnostics with your 1600i Beetle:-
- A VAG 1551, 1552, VAS 5051, 5052 or 5053 fault code reader with the VW 5 pin DIN (I don't know what the VAS fault code readers use) to OBD II plug
- A PC running the VagCom software with a VagCom cable (they will have the OBDII plug at the end of it)
- A 1600i to OBDII adaptor. You can either get one from myself (or alternatively make up your own one) or Manfred
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