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where can I buy "1600i-Diagnosekit"

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Anmeldungsdatum: 16.04.2009
Beiträge: 3

BeitragVerfasst am: 02 Okt 2009 17:49    Titel: where can I buy "1600i-Diagnosekit" Antworten mit Zitat

Hey . Any idea where can I find the "Diagnose kit" in America of course . tkx

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Anmeldungsdatum: 10.12.2007
Beiträge: 152
Wohnort: Bayreuth

BeitragVerfasst am: 03 Okt 2009 18:20    Titel: Hi Antworten mit Zitat

You can ask if you can buy it by Manfred in Germany. the adres is at the main page. I don not think that the shipping is very expensive.
Greetz Erol

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Anmeldungsdatum: 14.09.2007
Beiträge: 235
Wohnort: Kent / Süd-Ost London - (Kent / South East London)

BeitragVerfasst am: 03 Okt 2009 21:40    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Alternatively if you cannot get a diagnostics kit from Manfred, then have a look at my OBD II socket to 1600i diagnostics plug wiring information on here http://www.1600i.de/1600i-elektronik/diagnosestecker/OBDIItoVAG1551-7Adaptor.htm

I used some narrow flat metal pins and heatshrink for my 1600i to VAG 1551/1552 adaptor lead.

The information assumes that you have already got either of the following:-

- A laptop running VAGCOM 3.11n or earlier with the VAGCOM (OBD II) lead

- A VAG 1551/1552 or a VAS 5051/5052/5053 fault code reader. Do not rely on a cheap fault code reader, which relies on the car being 100% OBD II compatible.

If you do not have either of those then it's actually cheaper to get the kit from Manfred.

When diagnosing your car, if the diagnostics kit (whichever route you decide to go through) doesn't work for any reason then check the following:-

- K line RS422 driver (VAG 1551/1552) hasn't been blown up. Non-standard radios on other VW group vehicles (this does not apply to the 1600i) is a common cause of the K line driver IC blowing up.

- Ignition transformer not inducting spikes onto the K line. This can only be checked with an oscilloscope.

Good luck with diagnosing your car.



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