Fahrgeräusche minimieren :: Windabweiser entfernen - aber wie? |
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Anmeldungsdatum: 13.04.2010 Beiträge: 3 Wohnort: UK
Verfasst am: 23 Apr 2010 12:33 Titel: 1600i Type 2c bus |
Hello, just want to say I have a 1600i engine in my type2c brazilian bus 2005 and have found this site immensely valuable in tweaking my engine. Still working on my high idling problem, but i think i have almost resolved it.
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Anmeldungsdatum: 14.09.2007 Beiträge: 235 Wohnort: Kent / Süd-Ost London - (Kent / South East London)
Verfasst am: 25 Apr 2010 20:45 Titel: |
Hi Poddy,
As far as I know (Manfred knows more about it than I do) is that the OBD II connector on the type 2 T2c brazilian bus is completely different in terms of pinout and comms protocol (eg. not OBD II compliant) compared to practically every other modern VW.
The idling problem (I'm guessing that the engine is revving up and down) could be down to any of the following:-
- ECU software version. My 1600i's ECU software revs the engine up and down when the ECU thinks that the emissions is too high. If the van's idle speed settles down on it's own then that will be the most likely reason.
- Breather tube/air filter unit blocked with sludge
- Idle speed stabiliser blocked with sludge (you can take them apart if you're careful)
- Plastic vacuum pipes fractured or split (you will need to look at them carefully since you may not be able to see any hairline cracks)
- Vacuum hoses perished
I have not really looked at a brazilian bus in terms of how the ECU works, etc. since I have never owned one.
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Anmeldungsdatum: 13.04.2010 Beiträge: 3 Wohnort: UK
Verfasst am: 29 Apr 2010 8:43 Titel: |
thanks for the info Phil, I cleared out the sludge, after 5 years was all blocked up, after that the engine is just idling full at 1440rpm, but drives fine. Using OBD II connector to USB and VAG com software I can get all readings from the sensors, all seem to be in tolerance, apart from an intermittent fault on the throttle sensor. It seems a year ago when I had this problem, a garage, messed with the idle stop screw and the distributor and the van was idling very low, probably way under 840rpm.
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