The Fuel Expansion Chamber/Gas Vapor Cannister appears to be broken. The two halves are not connected and held only by a metal strap. The chamber/cannister is also empty.
I have asked my VW Dealer about a replacement part (part no. 113201891A) but the part is now obsolete.
I have read that the cannister OR CHARCOAL should be replaced every 40,000 miles. Can anyone tell me how to replace the charcoal (type, quantity and how to reseal the unit)?
I have also found a different part (113 201 801A) which some people suggest as an alternative - is this correct?
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.09.2007 Beiträge: 235 Wohnort: Kent / Süd-Ost London - (Kent / South East London)
Verfasst am: 03 Sep 2009 14:19 Titel:
Hi there,
The activated charcoal cannister (part number 113201891A ) is still available from the VW Classic Parts Center. Full instructions on how to order parts from them is in one of my threads in Volkszone
Alternatively, Manfred may have one in stock and could also be cheaper.
I have never replaced the activated charcoal cannister on my mexican beetle and have had no problems with it (the car's now done nearly 200,000 miles).
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